View Full Version : Phasing, demolition and embedded walls

2005-01-16, 10:42 PM
I am remodeling a small bank for a client. It involves some code and security issues that I am to address. Put the project into three phases. Existing, Demolition and New. I am having problems with demolition with embedded curtain walls. Several doors are simple storefront doors. In 7.0 I've jumped on the embedded wall feature, embedded a storefront in the masonry wall and its so cool to have that ability. Now, however, I need to demolish the glass door and replace it with a hollow metal frame and wood door. The door shows demo fine in the demo phase, and in the New construction phase, Revit assumes that I want to fill the wall in that location (which I do not want to do). So I say fine, I'll install the new door in the final phase in the location of the previous curtain wall ( and door as a panel) and I get the error shown. Going back to the demo phase, the demolished curtain wall panel is now like 4 times larger - Any ideas.
Slide one is the existing., Slide 2 demo phase, slide three is after insertion of the new door.
Last slide shows error that Revit can't make the Curtain wall door. Slide three shows what happens if you try.

So what am I doing wrong?

2005-01-17, 12:56 AM

Created a separate regular family door depicting a Storefront (curtain wall ) door and frame and deleted all embedded walls in the project where I had used the embedded storefront and replace the panel with a door in the areas where demolition was to occur. Replaced existing doors with the new family, and then proceeded with demolition and creation of new construction phase. Revit behaved itself this time. Beware of embedded walls, demolition etc. Factory - could you please explore this?

Image one - Existing, 2 - Demo Phase - 3 New construction all with new door family rather than embedded storefronts.

EDITED : Wall embeds corrected in V8. This should no longer be an issue. -Ski

2005-01-17, 01:40 AM
I didn't look closely at this Ski, but here is a general point:
You don't really need a separate phase for "Demo"!
Do you demo in the "new construction" phase and set your phase filter to "show previous+ demo" to show your demo plan, and "Show previous + new" for your new construction. Becase, if you think about it, "demolition" is really just the beginning of new construction!

I hope this helps... combine the demo and new construction phase and see if it works for you. If not, undo!

2005-01-17, 01:56 AM
I didn't look closely at this Ski, but here is a general point:
You don't really need a separate phase for "Demo"!
Do you demo in the "new construction" phase and set your phase filter to "show previous+ demo" to show your demo plan, and "Show previous + new" for your new construction. Becase, if you think about it, "demolition" is really just the beginning of new construction!

I hope this helps... combine the demo and new construction phase and see if it works for you. If not, undo!

No problem, solved it by getting rid of the embedded walls. That's more my issue. (Ran into another issue with doors and embedded walls earlier)

As far as how I'm phasing this, I understand the extra phase is not required, however, I'm trying to point out clearly where the demolition is to occur. There is a lot of careful thought that must be given to the demolition to keep the bank open as much as possible while this work occurs. It was more a matter that the phases could not be displayed in the manner I chose, so I created the demo phase to be able to do what I needed done from a display standpoint... Probably a smarter way to do it, but I'm in the mode where I've had to switch from a hammer to a sledge to get this project finished (so if it don't fit - I beat it to fit - I'll paint it later) :grin:

2005-05-12, 02:41 PM
You don't really need a separate phase for "Demo"!
Do you demo in the "new construction" phase and set your phase filter to "show previous+ demo" to show your demo plan, and "Show previous + new" for your new construction. Becase, if you think about it, "demolition" is really just the beginning of new construction!

I hope this helps... combine the demo and new construction phase and see if it works for you. If not, undo!
Actually, there is a good reason to have a DEMO phase in between existing and new: Room Tags don't work in a demo plan. If you are doing a renovation in which one or more room names change, and want to show the "old" room names on your demo plan to indicate which elements in the existing building's rooms are to be demolished, it will not work using only the 2 phases, even though Revit allows you to have different room names in each phase. The reason is because your Demo plan is a plan view having phase "NEW" and phase filter "SHOW PREVIOUS PLUS DEMO," which means that you can only show the room names from the NEW phase.

If you create the intermediate DEMO phase, your demo plan can be phase: "DEMO," and therefore you can have the same room names in the EXISTING and DEMO phases (different from room names in the NEW phase), and your demo plan can work properly.