View Full Version : Callout Tag Parameters

Mark James
2005-01-17, 05:48 AM
In keeping with our office CAD standards, I have created a series of custom tags and annotations.
All the view based tags I created use the view name as the detail number, so they appear in the project browser. However, this is not possible with the callout tag. Callout tag families do not list the view name as parameter to select from.
Has anyone else encountered this problem or know why it exists? If so, how did you resolve it?

2005-01-17, 12:48 PM
use the view name as the detail number, so they appear in the project browser.
Not quite sure what your intent is? Callout views & detail views already appear in the project browser, or do you mean that you want the detail # to appear as the view name?

Mark James
2005-01-17, 10:51 PM
do you mean that you want the detail # to appear as the view name?

Yes. I find it much easier to work on a project when the detail number appears as the view name in the browser.

Mark James
2005-03-18, 05:21 AM
Dragging out this one again...

Only one response and I'm no wiser as to why callout tag families don't list the view name as a selectable parameter for labels.

As mentioned previously, I find it a lot easier to work on a project when the detail number appears as the view name in the browser. I believe it's to be the most logical and efficient way of working on a project, so I have created all view tags in our office template to behave this way.
However, this does not appear to be possible with callout tags.

For a relatively large national company like ours, this is a major problem.

Anyone else encountered this issue? How do others set up their views in the project browser? Is there really a need for both detail number and view name?

I'd appreciate any suggestions on how to deal with this.

2005-03-18, 06:15 AM
I didn't respond before because I figured I wasn't understanding the problem correctly.

I'll bet that's still the case, but here goes...

I assume you are placing details on a sheet which has a pre numbered sequence ( a grided sheet ), so that as the details are placed, they must become identified by the number on that sheet.

I placed the detail and then changed its name in the browser to be the sheet detail identifier.

As long as you place the details sequentially, this appears to do what you want ?

Mark James
2005-03-18, 07:17 AM
Thanks for the response beegee.
I think my question needs further explanation/clarification.

All our view titles have been created to visually replicate our office CAD standards, which were originally made in AutoCAD.

They look like this: (refer attachments)

Our view titles do not have individual descriptions, they are either: Floor Plan, Elevation, Section or Detail. This is created as "dumb" text and is not editable, so we have four view titles to chose from.
With the exception of "Floor Plan", we rely on the detail number/letter to appear both in the view title bubble on the drawing sheet and in the browser.
This works fine for all instances, except detail/callout tags.

Hope this makes sense.

2005-03-18, 12:48 PM

One way:

As you create views, once you place them on a sheet, rename the view to match the view number assigned to it. Then create four view titles "floor plan", "elevation", "section", & "detail".

After loading these, you can then select the correct view title template to match the view. You'll then have your view names match their view tag #'s.

It won't be automatic, as you'll have to track this stuff, especially if you start moving views to different sheets.