View Full Version : Difference Between 2D Polyline and 3D Mesh

2011-10-07, 06:28 PM
I am having a building surveyed and the price differences are great. What advantages do a 2D polyline have over just a standard 3D Mesh. I am using the surveyed CAD file for creating a pixel accurate "guide" for projecting an image on the front of the building. Thanks. :beer:

2011-10-07, 07:40 PM
I think we need more information. At the moment you're asking "what's the difference between apples and concrete?"

2011-10-10, 08:59 AM
Second the "more info". What's the "2d Polyline" going to consist of? Is it just the outline of the building on plan? Or is it a polyline at preiodic levels. Or is it polylines to each elevation indicating the recesses & protrusions of each facade? How "detailed" would the 3d Mesh be? Would it indicate all the nooks & crannies on the facade. Would it be split as separate entities for different finishes?

In general I'd say the mesh would be more of a "model" than the "2D" polyline. But without more info I'm just guessing.

2011-10-10, 03:37 PM
Hey Everyone: For the project I need all the measurements for the front building, including windows, doors, etc etc. The company said it was a 500,000,000 point scan, which will i assume, give me all the details I need. I then need to take this CAD product, flatten it out, and basically have a 2D front view of the building, to scale, to take measurements from. Let me know if this helps. Thanks B (to irneb, I need just an outline of the building on plan, including all features such as windows, doors, nooks, and protrusions. I dont need to know the depth, but I need to know from a front view, their measurements.)

2011-10-10, 07:39 PM
Hey Everyone: For the project I need all the measurements for the front building, including windows, doors, etc etc. The company said it was a 500,000,000 point scan, which will i assume, give me all the details I need. I then need to take this CAD product, flatten it out, and basically have a 2D front view of the building, to scale, to take measurements from. Let me know if this helps. Thanks B (to irneb, I need just an outline of the building on plan, including all features such as windows, doors, nooks, and protrusions. I dont need to know the depth, but I need to know from a front view, their measurements.)

You probably don't need a mesh, then; just lines (or polylines), circles, etc..