View Full Version : Sliding Doors in Schedules

2011-10-13, 04:03 PM
How is everyone scheduling their sliding doors? I cannot seem to get my mind around this.

In my door schedule I have a calculated value for "Calc Width" so we can account for uneven doors (ie. if(Uneven Door, Width, if(Leaf Qnty < 2, Width, Width / Leaf Qnty)), where the uneven door parameter is a shared yes/no.

Now we have a project where we need to show sliding closet doors. The issue I am having is that dividing the Width by the Leaf Qnty is only dividing the opening in half. However, sliding door panels generally overlap one another about 2". I want to account for this overlap in the schedule so my panel sizes are correct. I had thought about embedding another "if" statement into the one above, but I cannot seem to get it to work. The new formula looks like this: if(Uneven Door, Width, if(Leaf Qnty < 2, Width, if(Slider,Width/2+1”,Width / Leaf Qnty))). Revit accepts the formula but does not report any sizes.

Any Thoughts. I could really use some assistance on this one.

2011-10-13, 05:18 PM
Alright...It took a lunch break and some pizza, but I figured it out.

Because I had two yes/no shared parameters assigned to doors, Revit didn't know which value to report because the "Slider" parameter was showing yes and the Uneven Door parameter was showing null. Once I changed the Uneven Door parameter to no for these openings, I got the values I was expecting.

Feel free to abscond w/ the formulas if you like.