View Full Version : Sheet Index with sheet number scheduled twice

2011-10-14, 05:47 PM
I may be missing something simple here, but does anyone know of a way to schedule a sheet number alone and that same sheet number with a prefix and suffix in the same sheet index(schedule)? It's something we are needing to do for a military project to list the files we export to .dgn

2011-10-14, 06:40 PM
You cannot have the same sheet listed twice in the same project.....

But you can have that same sheet in a different project linked into your current project with the same sheet number ;)

Dimitri Harvalias
2011-10-14, 07:00 PM
If I understand what you're after; you want the sheet list to read

<Sheet Number> | <Sheet Name> | <Prefix><Sheet Name><Suffix>

So the second half is essentially the dgn file sheet name?

You can create a 'Calculated Value' that will allow the sheet name to appear twice in the schedule but there is no way to automatically add the prefix and suffix to that parameter. If the formatting is not a big issue you could add the prefix and suffix parameters as as well and just place them side by side in the schedule. Entry of those values would be manual.
It sure ain't pretty:roll:

2011-10-14, 07:26 PM
Thanks Dimitri.
Thats essentially what I have arrived at after several hours grappling with the issue. Maybe something else for the wish list....