View Full Version : Showing beams on different levels

2011-10-20, 11:41 AM
I have placed a beam on Level 1 (first floor level).

How do I show that beam on the Level 0 (ground floor level) floorplan?

Increasing the top view range of Level 0 to coincide with the beam doesn't appear to work.

Any suggestions?



cliff collins
2011-10-20, 03:53 PM
Try using an Underlay in the Ground Level Plan, and select Reflected Ceiling plan type, and specify
Level 1. Make sure Structural Framing Category is turned on in the views, try adjusting detail level from Coarse, Medium, Fine, etc.

You should be able to see the beams as light grey. You can then use the Linework Tool and turn the beams to Hidden Lines, and then turn off the Underlay. If the Beams get moved, the Linework will move along with them. You can use this same technique for showing Roof edges above in Plan Views, etc.


2011-10-20, 08:05 PM
Its not a pretty solution but it works!

Many thanks Cliff.
