View Full Version : Design Options -- Window Swaps

2011-10-24, 03:30 PM

I am working on a house renovation with an "existing" phase and a "proposed" phase. In the proposed phase there are 4 option sets with 2 options in each of them.

The problem is, they want to replace ALL the existing windows with new ones. When I swap out a window in the "proposed" phase, it also changes in "existing."

I'm guessing I need to create a new option set. What would be the "best practices" way to do that?
.... Is there a way to copy the walls and add them to a different design option while keeping them in place?

Would it work to make existing walls a "group" and then copy the group, change the name, and add it to a different design option? Or would it be best to just make sure I have the "existing" model completely finalized and then copy the entire file and start anew with the windows?

ANY help or ideas would be appreciated. I did not realize all windows were going to be replaced when I started this and am now getting awfully confused.


2011-10-24, 05:08 PM
Be sure to get both the host (wall) and windows into each design option. Copy / paste between options if you are already underway.

Don't swap out windows. Demolish the existing windows, then place the new ones.


2011-10-24, 06:44 PM
I will try this with a saved back-up file so I don't mess up the main one. Will get back to you with results.
Thank you!