View Full Version : propiedades de carga de paletas de Civil 3D 2012 herramienta (charge properties of Civil 3D 2012 tool palettes)

2011-10-25, 03:13 PM

Tengo una duda que me ha pasado con otras herramientas. Estoy trabajando con Tool Palettes, mejor dicho con los subassembly. Todos sabemos cuando seleccionamos una linea basica, carretera o daylight aparece la ventana de propiedades para realizar los cambios antes de insertar nuestra figura al proyecto.

El problema es que no aparece esta ventana de propiedades. ¿Alguien sabe por que ocurre este problema? ¿el método para lograr que aparezca esta ventana de propiedades?.

Gracias a Todos


I have a question that has happened with other tools. I am working with Tool Palettes, rather with the subassembly. We all know when selecting a baseline, road and daylight properties window appears to make the changes before inserting our figure for the project.

The problem is that they do not see this window properties. Does anyone know why this problem occurs? Does the method of achieving this window display properties?.

Thanks to All

2012-01-18, 07:38 PM
That is a-typical behaviour. I would try a repair of your installation. which should take about 15 minutes.


Es un típico comportamiento. Trataría de una reparación de la instalación. que debe tomar aproximadamente 15 minutos.


2012-01-19, 04:34 PM
Verify that opening the properties window, that you can actually see the properties palette.
It may have been pushed off the screen.
If calling the properties window works, then the repair install suggested above may resolve the issue.

If you can't see the properties window at all even through normal autocad, properties then change your screen resolution with C3D closed and reopen.