View Full Version : 2012 Pre-select Boundary To Hatch

2011-10-26, 07:19 PM
Hi, I've been away from AutoCAD for about 2 years and now using 2012 for the first time. Running into a bit of a problem here.

In older versions of AutoCAD (2006-2009), if I hatched an object and then realised I needed to hatch a second object with the same pattern, I could click it and hit the Return Key x3 times and it would hatch and close the dialog box. Nice and quick.

In 2012 I find it forgets that I've pre-selected the boundary. I hit Return and it opens the HATCH command, I hit Return a second time and it now wants me to select the item again. If I don't do this step, the OK button is greyed out. Little things like this really frustrate me as I have my ways set at this stage and slower processes of doing things are not an option as far as I'm concerned.

Is there any way to pre-select the boundary for hatching in 2012? I'm using Classic Mode if that makes a difference (I never use ribbons as they're too slow).


2011-10-26, 07:28 PM
(I never use ribbons as they're too slow).
try the ribbon in 2012, not slow anymore

I think they changed how hatching works in release 2010/11 when they added the dynamic griping

2011-10-26, 08:23 PM
Thanks Chris. So basically now the only way to hatch objects is to run the Hatch command and then select objects? Boo! That's a shame that they'd do something like this...it had no affect on the Hatch command so they really should have left it the way it was.

RE: the ribbon. It's the way you have to expand sections of the ribbon to get to other tools that I find slow. Anything that takes an extra click is slower than typing a command in my opinion. I use both methods depending on what I'm doing but my aim is always to find the most efficient path (yes I'm anal lol)

2011-10-27, 06:01 PM
Still prefer the Command line Hatch dialog to the Ribbon version.
You could create a button to call the dialog without having to type if there is not one in the CUI.