View Full Version : Navisworks Manage Scale Transform Gizmo

2011-10-27, 05:37 PM
I'm trying to figure out how to handle an issue with animating the building components in my Navisworks model. As you can see in the screen grab, my building is not oriented with the standard X,Y axis due to the shared coordinates ( arch and struct are two different models referenced into this one.)

I want the floor slab thats highlighted to grow out from the wall which i've placed the gizmo on. The problem is... I cant figure out how to rotate the gizmo so that the Y axis is perpendicular to said wall. Is it even possible? If not, I would be gratefull to anyone who can suggest a workaround.

I know i could rotate the whole model and it will ok for the most part, except for the components that make up the front wall (the brick will come UP the wall ok, but the drywall on the inside will come from left to right, leading to this same issue again..)

2011-10-29, 02:46 PM
Nothing? Really? Should this be a wish list item?

2011-10-31, 07:43 AM
We've looked through this issue and it turns out that rotating the gizmo itself is not possible as it is in most of the 3D softwares. I've added this to a "wish list" if you will, maybe we can get autodesk to improve these issues in the future versios/updates.

2011-10-31, 01:57 PM
I was afraid of that, thanks anyway your efforts are appreciated.

2011-11-17, 02:24 AM
This is a bit of a workaround. I did it fairly fast so it's not perfect, but with more tweaking you could get a better final product. see the final animation here .youtube.com/user/15Heros#p/u/0/ICr0wB0Yt0Y

1. Rotate the object first to match the scaling directions needed
2. Scale as needed (images show 50% scaling then 100%)
3. Rotate object back to starting position
4. Capture keyframe
5. Edit keyframe to move and tweak rotation of object to best location etc.