View Full Version : Interior Elevation Outline Boundary

2003-10-16, 12:42 AM
Is there something special I should be doing to get a heavy boundary around my interior elevations? I've tried using the line weight tool to make the inside edge heavy, but one several elevations the crop boundary wipes it out. I've tried simply using a detail line on the sheet, but snaps don't work so the outline is only approximate.

2003-10-16, 01:27 AM
Have you tried adjusting your Object Styles for Walls to provide a heavier line in projection view ?

This will effect ALL walls though, so see how it looks in other views as well.

2003-10-16, 05:58 AM
The crop boundary that is automatically created when using the elevation tool seems to lie exactly on the wall intersection line. If you zoom in and drag the boundary out a few pixels, you'll see the full width of the adjacent wall line. Many users would prefer a still heavier boundary. An automatic fix for this would be nice.


2003-10-16, 09:58 AM
I had similar problems as well, fully agree with an automatic fix.

What I have been doing which works well for me is using a Filled Region
Frame. With Thick or Medium Lines for the inner frame and Invisible Lines for the outer frame.