View Full Version : 2010 Profile and Plan text problems

2011-11-03, 11:03 PM
Having some problems with text in my Profile & Plan view sheets - I'm attaching the sheet as it prints out. The main issues are:
1. The text is too small in the Profile View
2. I can't get the minor vertical (chainage) lines shown in Profile View
3. There's no annotation at all in the Plan view
4. The text for the Matchline is now blurred as can be seen from the dark shaded areas in the Plan view

I've tried all approaches but still can't seem to solve it. Any advice?

2011-11-30, 03:45 AM
Change the text size in your profile label sets
Edit your Profile View Style that is being applied to the refereence profiles being created for your sheets.
No annotation in plan view?
Are your viewports the correct scale?
Is the drawing set to the correct scale?

If you will send me one of your files; I will happily suggest to required adjustments.