View Full Version : Houston we have a problem (Elevations callouts)

2005-01-19, 03:47 PM
Has anyone ran into this one before. While placing elevations on sheets we noticed that the elevation callouts on the reference sheets were incorrect. Here is the reason. when you move an elevation to a different sheet with the same detail number that sheet Callouts changes to which ever page it feels like. ( see attached image files notice that there are two elevation callouts referencing A2.3 detail 01) instead of Revit pulling up a question mark it just uses whichever number it feel like.

By the way this isn't a question I know how to fix it. I just thought I would point out a problem.

1st fix is to place grouped elevations on 1 sheet never split them up.
2nd is to add another single elevation marker.
3rd use the sections as an elevation to confirm with AIA standards.

boy do I dislike the elevation feature of Revit.

Scott D Davis
2005-01-19, 04:36 PM
Something is amiss here. Revit doesn't change a sheet number to whatever it feels like. What do you mean when you say "move an elevation to a different sheet"? Was the elevation on a sheet, and then you decides to put it on a different sheet?

It looks like you may have had the "reference other view" checkbox in the options bar checked when placing these views. This is the only time when a reference to a view could be incorrect, because it relies on user input to select the correct reference. In one of your attachments, it looks like the elevation tag is calling out for detail 01 on A2.3 twice (you have circled it in red and said it should reference A2.1)

What happens when you right-click on the arrow of the elevation tag, and select "Go to View"? Do they go to the elevation called out?

2005-01-19, 04:37 PM
I know that you are quite aware of how elevation marks, etc. work, but this situation would be impossible to show with the current symbol you have for elevations. There can only be one reference sheet in that elevation symbol (and Revit only supports one :( ).

The 04 elevation is on sheet A2.3, so it doesn't seem so arbitrary, it just chose the first sheet this elevation marker references (i.e. A2.3) I haven't tried, but I would guess if you move the 01 Elevation which is currently on A2.4 to A2.1, the marker would show A2.1 (Of course I will try myself when I finish writing this, so I will know if it is a correct assumption or not)

my 2 groszy (Polish cents) :D

2005-01-19, 05:05 PM
It seems that jarod.tulanowski stepped into a bug. Apparently 7.0 allows placing elevations that belong to the same group on different sheets. Since Elevation Group tag has only one Sheet Number field then it seems that the architectural intent is to force all elevations from a group to be on the same sheet. However this enforcement is not in place neither for the initial elevation placement nor for dragging elevation from one sheet to another. Beware.

2005-01-19, 05:05 PM
Ok, just tried, and it doesn't choose the earliest reference since it can only be placed on one sheet (what was I drinking??? :S ) it chooses the first location first (and Revit shows you which is the first elevation by making the fill black, instead of gray..........at least that is how it shows in mine)
When you place an elevation only one elevation is placed, then you can add additional ones. So this first elevation becomes the first that Revit chooses to place the referenced sheet, if that one is missing, then it chooses the reference sheet of the next elevation placed on a sheet in clockwise rotation.....
Not how is that for order???? :mrgreen:

David Conant
2005-01-19, 05:36 PM
A single elevation symbol can only show one sheet reference. As in other spots where a single view reference can resolve to several sheets (one view is the target of several callouts on different plans) Revit picks the lowest numbered sheet for the label. The best solution to this is to use a separate elevation symbols for elevations that will land on different sheets.

2005-01-19, 05:47 PM
Agreed. I found this same problem. I just though about it the way that David Contant did and changed what I did. But at the same time, it is un-parametric! Needs a warning.

2005-01-19, 05:54 PM
In Jarod's example, it won't choose the lowest referenced sheet....It will choose first the first elevation of the elevation group, then if that is not on a sheet, it will reference the next one in clockwise, and so on. As mentioned in my earlier post, it looks like that the Revit team allows the first elevation to be known to the users by making the filled triangle symbol a black color, while the others are a dark gray...

2005-01-19, 05:58 PM
I stand semi-corrected...

What I said seems to be true, but if you delete the original first elevation and then place it again, it will become a dark gray, like the rest...... drziwne!!!:roll:

David Conant
2005-01-19, 06:19 PM
I am also at least semi-corrected on the number Revit selects.

2005-01-19, 06:22 PM
I totaly agree with adegnan a warning or atleast a question mark would be nice. Hell lets really show it and add a red flag waving beside it haha. Thanks for all the support guys.