View Full Version : Plan detail callout not showing all model information

2011-11-08, 02:12 PM
I am working on a project with complex limestone surrounds around the window systems. We have modeled these surrounds as families that cut into our existing exterior walls with void extrusions to "remove" the brick veneer and then replace it with limestone surround (an extrusion) and insert a window. They display correctly in the plans and elevations.

I am now drawing details of these surrounds but running into an odd situation that I can't figure out.
From elevation I have used a detail callout to do an enlarged elevation of just the windows and surround.
From these enlarged elevations I have added more detail callouts to start plan and section details.
The section details are working just fine. However, the plan details are not showing the inserted family correctly. The brick veneer of the wall wall is "removed" and the windows are inserted but the limestone surround is not displaying.

If I create enlarged floor plans from the overall plans, they work fine. Detail callouts also work but have the issue of no height adjustability for the cut plane. I would rather not have to create enlarged floor plans for each of my plan details as then I have to hide the callouts in plan and add referencing view tags in the enlarged elevations but will if nobody can figure this issue out!


2011-11-08, 02:28 PM
I've had this problem before, but it's been a while. Go to the elevation where you have the details called out. Select the tag, and drag the view range down until it crosses the sill, or at least past the cut plane for the level where the window was placed.

cliff collins
2011-11-08, 02:53 PM
Also check these two things:

1. How was the Callout created? Detail View or Plan View? This has an effect on visibility of certain items, such as Structural Columns.

2. How was the Family for the limestone created? Check that the Family Template used was a "cuttable" family type.

Ross's idea of View Range adjustment is most likely the culprit--but sometimes even after adjusting this
certain visibility problems persist.

Good luck, and let us know if you find the problem.

2011-11-08, 03:17 PM
Ross' idea work great for the cut that occurs through the window above the floor. Thanks!

However, there is another section cut that is below the window near the floor line as the family spans two floors and has a window on each level with a limestone panel between them at the floor line. In this lower detail the window is still showing and the limestone is the surround that occurs at the window jamb rather than being a panel that spans across. Interestingly, the wall behind is displaying correctly (the window is NOT cutting the wall but just shows up on top of the wall). It is as if the wall knows where I am cutting but the family is cutting at a default height, x distance above a floor.

All cut views are Detail Views (I can't figure out how I would even cut a plan view from the elevation)


cliff collins
2011-11-08, 03:22 PM
Another possible solution:

In an Elevation view, place a Section, which will come in vertically by default. Now rotate the section 90 degrees to horizontal. You now have a "Plan View" Section. You can adjust its view extents up/down, and simply move it vertically to set the cut plane. See if this helps with the visibility problem.


2011-11-08, 06:09 PM
Since the elevation is actually a detail callout, I do not have the option of putting in a section. Just another detail callout. Perhaps I started with the wrong approach but I did not want to have to hide lots of elevation references in the plans as they are horrible to filter out.

I believe the solution lies somewhere in the family that I created but I am not sure what it is!


2011-11-08, 06:38 PM
Figured out that the family has a defined floor plan view with a cut plane set at x distance. When I adjust that in the family, it changes what is shown when I cut the section in the main model detail. Problem is that I can only set the cut plane to one number so one of my two sections in the main model will always be wrong.

Do you know any way around this?


cliff collins
2011-11-08, 07:16 PM
If you are speaking of a Plan View, you can use a Plan Region to control the View Depth settings independently of the "surrounding" main plan view.

Without seeing an example of your problem, it's a bit hard to comment further. ( .rvt file )