View Full Version : AEC (UK) BIM Standard for Revit

2011-11-09, 02:28 PM
The AEC (UK) BIM Standard, released in November of 2009, was developed as a generic document referring to the techniques and concepts utilised in using BIM technology. It was intended to be applicable to all software platforms.

This larger document looks to interpret and expand those concepts with specific reference to Autodesk Revit, supplementing it with further best practice and practical policy. Working practices which conform to standards such as BS1192:2007 are also incorporated to allow this document to work alongside current project management and document control protocols.

In short, if you represent a design practice which is looking to adopt BIM methodology and has chosen to use Revit as the primary tool to do so, then this document should cover your requirements.

This standard is provided as a template to download and incorporate into your office or project protocols. Although this standard has no legislative backing, it is written in the context of rules to be followed rather than points to cover. Companies and individuals downloading the standard are free to take on as much or as little as they wish, but the wider acceptance of the document as an industry standard would require that it remain as close as possible to the original form.

Website details:


Revit Architectural / Structural / MEP 2011 Templates are available from 'Downloads'
Additional documents covering AEC (UK) CAD Standards are also available from 'Documents'