View Full Version : Unexpected Titleblock Lineweights

2011-11-12, 06:19 PM
My title block looks great in the Family Editor. The family editor's Object Styles box adjusts the lineweights easily. But loaded into the project, the same lines are much thinner - wide lines look like medium lines, medium lines look like thin lines. I tried to adjust them using the "Additional Settings" (annotation lines?) button on the Ribbon in the model, but it seemed to have no affect. Is there a simple solution?
Thanks very much

Alex Page
2011-11-12, 08:42 PM
Go to Manage/Object Styles within your project - Annotation Tab
Scroll Down and youll see the Titleblock lineweight settings.

Object Styles sets up all the visibility graphics - project wide

2011-11-13, 10:20 PM
Thanks very much! Can't believe I missed that. Thanks for the screen-snapshot. Have a great day.