View Full Version : Multi-story Stair Problem

2005-01-19, 07:46 PM
I want to have the stair generte intermediate landings. I have tried several things and keep running into a dead end. Can someone be so kinds as to look the file and tell if this is possible or do I have to create each one separately. I am using the multistory option.

See attached image. The file is to large to send.


2005-01-19, 10:14 PM
There can be problems creating a stair that returns on itself ( Although there are reports that it has been successfully done, but not by me. )
The safe bet is to make the stair as a number of separate stairs , so that landings in any one stair do not occur over the top of one another.

2005-01-19, 11:52 PM
The first six flights can be generated using the 'multi-storey' stairs using 'levels' created at even landings and the landing slabs canbe created seperately at the temporary levels. But the upper ones going around the core is not a staircase, so it can be created as a 'floor based railing'.