View Full Version : Setting out point using fields

2011-11-18, 02:06 PM
I assume this may have already been discussed, however I'm unable to find a realated thread, so here's my query:

I have a block with 2no. fields in it that read the position of a point within the block, which I use to populate a table showing the Northings and Eastings for the "setting out point". The issue is that the poisition is always relative to the world, even if I move the ucs origin.

This is okay if I'm using the National Grid to set out a builidng, but I also need to use the block for Local Grids and am struggling to fiure out how to do this.

I've attached a copy of the block with a table for reference.


2011-11-18, 02:33 PM
Two thoughts.... since the conversion is grayed out on the additional formats dialog.

Can you use the Local Coordinate as your WCS, and define a UCS to be the National grid? Backwards thinking, I know, but sometimes backing into a problem is the straightforward way to get ahead.

Or, can you export the locations of the blocks to a spreadsheet, do the conversion there, and then link your table to the spreadsheet?