View Full Version : Linking text strings

2011-11-24, 12:44 PM
Hi everyone,

Can you have a text parameter that lniks two other text parameters?

Not the actual use for it I had in mind, but as an example, if I had one parameter called "ForeName" (With current value set at "Joe"), one called "SurName" (Value Set at "Bloggs"), could I have on called "FullName" that calculated out as "Joe Bloggs".

I've tried using forulas along the lines of =ForeName & SurName, etc, in a more Excel-like style, and also using AND, but this seems to be an entirely boolean opperation.

Duncan Lithgow
2011-11-24, 07:53 PM
This thread might have what you want: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=33275

2011-11-25, 09:26 AM
Sorry, it may be something I'm lacking in my Revit knowledge, but I can't see anything in that thread that relates to solving my question. Is there a specific page which mentions it that I'm just missing each time?
