View Full Version : VRML (.wrl) export, same as Accurender for AutoCAD

2003-10-16, 09:11 PM
VRML (.wrl) export, same as Accurender for AutoCAD to share models

Richard McCarthy
2003-10-19, 11:28 AM
VRML would be nice. :) Most 3D apps can read it.
BUT. I would rather have more seamless export function with VIZ4.
BTW, if you got autodesk VIZ4, you can just export your 3D view to DWG and then import into VIZ4 and export out again to VRML (*.wrl) or use any other 3D app to do the same thing.

2003-10-20, 12:21 AM
I agree. The option to export to VRML would be nice. This could allow easier export form VR presentations. However, considering the increasing popularity of Rapid Prototyping, an STL export would be nice as well.

2004-02-04, 01:00 AM
VRML would be nice. :) Most 3D apps can read it.
BUT. I would rather have more seamless export function with VIZ4.
BTW, if you got autodesk VIZ4, you can just export your 3D view to DWG and then import into VIZ4 and export out again to VRML (*.wrl) or use any other 3D app to do the same thing.

Does it keep all the material definitions you gave it in Revit?

2004-02-04, 03:27 PM
Revit doesn't have the save as VRML or MOV option, if some day the programmers decide to have it, it'll be great if it keeps the materials (ArchiCAD has both options)