View Full Version : 2012 C3D Profile Grade Shift in Viewport

2011-11-28, 02:13 PM
We frequently notice that the existing grade in the profile view has shifted several feet to the left when viewed in the Paper Space viewport. RegenALL corrects the problem some of the time, but not always. It always shows correctly in model space. This has happened in numerous drawings on several different computers/operators. Any thoughts/suggestions? Anybody else noticing this? Thanks!

2011-11-28, 02:16 PM
Are you viewing those profile sheets through use of Sheet Set Manager?
Or just switching to layout tabs? For this last one you might want to disable viewport caching in Options.

2011-11-28, 03:15 PM
Thanks for your quick reply and questions.

We do use SSM, but you should know that we typically have a PLAN viewport and PROFILE viewport on the same paperspace sheet. The project's model space profiles are all in the same base file which is XRef'd into the various plan and profile sheets.

2011-11-28, 03:25 PM
So you are using SSM, however is that how you typically open and view the sheet contents?
Or are you just going from the Model View straight to the Layout Tabs?

And you are creating the Sheets through Plan Production tools correct?

I already understood the sheets were most likely Plan & Profile sheets.

2011-11-28, 08:47 PM
Yes, we typically use SSM to open the drawing in PSpace for editing. Generally we don't ever need to access the Model Space tab in the "sheet" drawings (where we have this issue).

We have used Plan Production to create the sheets at times, but I don't know if this was the case (or not) for all the projects that have this issue. Interesting thought.

Thanks again.

2011-11-29, 04:31 AM
one question...why are you not using the plan production tools?

2011-11-29, 06:08 PM
It is a fair question. Here's why we use Plan Production Tools only "at times"...

It seems that when a pipe alignment needs less than, say, ten sheets to illustrate, that using the Plan Production Tools (P.P.T.) takes longer than getting the sheets set up manually. Not to mention the control factor. That is, manually set-up drawings keep the User in control of the viewports and rotations. "P.P.T." affords the user little control. In fact, we generally end up fiddling with the viewports anyway, so it ends up taking even longer to use the P.P.T.

Furthermore, we want our match lines to always fall on an x+50' tick. Maybe it's inexperience, but we were having a hard time forcing AutoCAD to do that via P.P.T.

And then there are the inevitable adjustments to the alignment -- again, P.P.T., while it would seem to make changes simpler, it ends up taking just as much time if not more to get everything back to "right".

For me, the bottom line is, manual is still better -- although for long alignments, P.P.T. can speed things up for the initial creation of the sheets. Once that's done, I'm adjusting everything manually, no matter how many sheets there are.

So, getting back to the initial problem, now my question is, "Are you implying that if we used P.P.T. for all projects, that this existing grade shifting problem would be avoided?"

Frankly, I'm having a hard time seeing a connection. Please explain.


2011-11-30, 03:40 AM
I would suggest that you run a test to verify....
Sometimes the 'problem' is the 'solution'.

Also note, most if not all of the adjustment you aare performing to the sheets after the fact, are both;
mostly preventable, and can also be done prior to the sheets being created.

2013-03-25, 02:04 PM
It sounds like a problem I used to have with '08 - the solution for me was to make sure my model space scale matched my paper space scale, especially when it cam to the profiles - otherwise I would draw things and later when I came back to the file, they would be misplaced. I haven't seen this issue in years, and I assume its because I always make sure the ms scale matches.

2013-12-12, 11:00 PM
I have just had the same issue mentioned at the beginning of this post where the profile appears to be shifted in the viewport only.

Setup: Civil 3D 2012 Version F.205.0.0, SP4.0

I have multiple dwgs referenced to a sheetset dwg. No hard linework exists in this sheetset dwg. There are Mleader and Polylines drafted over the profile in a separate dwg for annotation purposes. This is where pulling the Profile dwg and the annotation dwg together in the sheetset dwg didn't line up in the viewports only. (yes there maybe a different way to annotate, but for my pressure pipe in 2012 it's old school labeling methods)(2014 has a pressure pipe option in the piping creation tools)

The fix came in the Tools - Settings - Profile View - Profile View Style - Grid-Axis offset (plotted units) dialog in the dwg where the profiles are created. I had purposely set the offset to allow room around the profile itself for display/Matchline options of the vertical elevation index labels. In model-space of all dwgs referencing all data sets everything was referenced and showing as it should, but when it came to the viewports in the layout tabs of the sheetset dwg there is a breakdown of how the origin of the profile is calculated and had shown through on the plots of the sheets. It appears that Autodesk designers once again failed to test their style design module by plotting a profile in a sheet-set with hard references of labels and annotation. :(