View Full Version : Move a building in the Z axis

2005-01-20, 04:29 PM
I'm a newbie - and am slowly learning ( the hard way) about the importance of constraints.
I created a small 3 story building model, and then thought about bringing in topo and a real site plan. I created a topo surface from a linked survey DWG file. Now I need to move my building up to the correct elevation. I tried doing it through the levels in a section view - locking all floor dimension first. It only moved half the model - since a few ceilings, walls, etc... weren't "connected " to the floor. How do I fix this - without having to go to each misc. un-connected object ? Is there a way to select all and move in the Z axis a certain # of feet? Or is that too AutoCad like?

Thanks in advance for the help -

2005-01-20, 04:54 PM

Go to an elevation view, then go to Settings, then locations and coordinates, then relocate this project.......and relocate.....be aware that then you will have to move the topography back to its original location, so be exact in the vertical adjustment...
Hope it helps

2005-01-20, 04:56 PM
Hi Agreven

I had a similar problem earlier this week and found a previous thread which answered this one.

The thing is I dont not know how to guide you to a thread automatically so do a keyword search on the words "Firstly Lock the" which are the first words in the answer reply and it will take you to a reply by Beegee that I found helpful.

Hope this helps, I will have to find out how to link to threads.

(mod: here's the link: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=5463)



2005-01-20, 09:41 PM
thanks- I wish I had seen all these posts before I started!