View Full Version : Adding fields to Room Area Tags

2005-01-20, 04:35 PM
Hello Again

I have used the standard room area tag to place within the room of a school I am currently working on and am using the Fields CEILING FINISH, WALL FINISH & FLOOR FINISH.

I have edited the family and renamed it and am now trying to add other fields to it such as NORTH WALL FINISH, SOUTH WALL FINISH etc but have yet to add them succesfully.

I have looked through the Forum to find old threads but nothing yet, does anyone have any idea how to add new fields to room tags.

Regards from Wales


2005-01-20, 04:39 PM
Hi There

I am using the standard room tag to tag room in a school which I am currently working on in 7.0.

I am using the fields Ceiling Finish, Wall Finish & Floor Finish etc.

I have edited the tag family and renamed it and am trying to add some new fields, NORTH WALL FINISH etc but have yet to successfully do it.

Does anyone have any ideas how to add a field to a room tag.


David -

2005-01-20, 04:57 PM
I think that those parameters are hard coded, in that a room is an entity which Revit uses for certain things and therefore only offers a limited range of data, which is held in the 'room' itself and not the tag (in a very clunky explanation of the software concepts).

You will need to use shared parameters to make this work. The help files on this are reasonably well put together, or you can serach here for more detail. Basically you want to add a series of shared parameters to room data which will then allow the room schedules access to this additional information you want to specify.

Use Settings>Project Parameters then select shared parameters and check Rooms (and anything else which may need to share this information, such as windows or doors perhaps) and then follow the instructions to crreate a new shared parameter file, group and your common parameters then these can be applied one by one to rooms etc.