View Full Version : Louvred Wall

2011-12-08, 05:10 PM
Trying to create a external lovred wall around a plant (eg aircom units) area. Any ideas would be apreciated. Have tried using curtain wall, deleting the mullions etc, then trting to insert a louvred panel into it, no luck. But I don';t want a frame around it.

I am working on my first project, self learning, so all help welcome.


2011-12-08, 06:14 PM
Your almost there, you use the curtain wall tool, but instead of a panel, you set the panel to empty and then create a mullion that is the size and profile of your louver rotated at the angle you want. set the spacing in the curtain system properties.

2011-12-08, 06:56 PM
Here's a louver profile I've used in the same way Scott describes. I went through a few options when I was creating a louvered wall because I DID want a frame and I wanted intermediate supports that were behind the louvers. Another option I came up with that works but was difficult to modify: a railing with louver-profile rails. Looks exactly as I wanted with intermediate supports behind as balusters, but was a pain to create/modify tall walls as I had to define every rail. Hope this all helps.