View Full Version : by shared coordinates not work

2011-12-15, 05:47 AM
according to my understanding, if two project files when exporting dwg files by shared coordinates
will go to the same location, then when they link up each other by shared coordinates will be
coincident as well.
But I have some files here, when the host reference link-1 , they align at the shared point
830000E and 830000 N.
But when linking link-2, revit will just allow centre to centre.
One more thing is when you link up the circle.dwg by shared coordinates, it will go to the correct
place in all the three project files.
So there must be something wrong with link-2, but what is it ? I;m puzzled.

any help would be appreciated.

2011-12-15, 01:44 PM
The problem was with z values.
please see attached files. I have renamed 0.0 levels to DATUM in all models.
I hope this helps.

2011-12-16, 01:09 AM
maybe I haven't described my question clearly and also.
your attached link_2.rvt looks different from the one I posted.
the original point has been moved.

I want the point 838803.250E,828622.735N inside my link_2.rvt to be
referenced into Host.rvt which has a point 830000E,830000N drawn correctly.

If "by shared coordinates" is just consider the spatial coordinates readings, there should
be no problem of cross referencing my files, but the outcome is not proving that true.