View Full Version : $ sign in dimstyle.. ?

2011-12-27, 06:03 AM
I recently noticed the "$" in dimstyle creation
can anyone please explain this ?
If we create a dimstyle named A$0, this style created only for linear dimensions.
A$2 for Angular dimensions
A$3 for Radial dimensions etc.

Please tell me someone that this dimension styles and the names are valid ? or its a bug of AutoCAD?

2011-12-27, 11:22 AM
The $ signifies a "child" style - that is where you have made changes that relate to only one type of dimension rather than all types of dimension. In your example the name of the dimension style would be "A". It is correct.

2011-12-27, 12:24 PM
The $ signifies a "child" style - that is where you have made changes that relate to only one type of dimension rather than all types of dimension. In your example the name of the dimension style would be "A". It is correct.

Yes, Iam playing with child styles "A" is the name of the style
and appending $1 = linear, $2 = Angular, $3 = Diameter, $4 = Radial, $6 = ordinate, $7 = Leader.

run dimstyle
click on New
give name as "A$0"
AutoCAD create a child dimension

1) After creating the dimension style childs:-
Properties palette showing the dimstyle as "A$0".
Qselect showing the properties as "A: Linear"
List showing as "A$0"

2, Also I can't rename an existing distyle and append $0 to make it a child
AutoCAD showing an alert as "Cannot create a child dimension style by directly entering the internal child name. Please use the Start with: and Use for"

3. If we Cannot create a child dimension style by directly entering the internal child name, then how we can create a child dimension as per my above steps ... ?

2011-12-27, 04:43 PM
If we Cannot create a child dimension style by directly entering the internal child name, then how we can create a child dimension as per my above steps ... ?

AutoCAD showing an alert as "Cannot create a child dimension style by directly entering the internal child name. Please use the Start with: and Use for"

You've answered your own question.
Of course, it may be possible programmatically so try the programming forums (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=88).

2011-12-27, 05:25 PM
You've answered your own question.
Of course, it may be possible programmatically so try the programming forums (http://forums.augi.com/forumdisplay.php?f=88).

The message is visible only if we renaming an existing dimension style.
But we can create new child dimension style with directly entering an internal child name.

Anyway, thanks for your interest