View Full Version : Reflected Ceiling Plan - View Template

2011-12-27, 04:32 PM
I am modifying a Reflected Ceiling Plan View Template and am running into some road blocks. My View Template overrides the linework of the walls to be a thin line weight, and overrides my ceiling (projection lines) to be a thicker line weight. The goal is to show the perimeter of each ceiling clearly. I feel this best serves the purpose of the view (and aids bidders).

I am having issues with this goal because the walls are in front of the ceiling, therefore the walls cover up half of my projection line. This would be fine except that now where two different ceiling types meet, the resulting projection lines are double the "visible" thickness as the ceiling perimeter adjacent to a wall.

I can address this by switching the graphic display to "Wireframe", but that creates many other visibility challenges. For example, showing structural framing at exposed ceiling situations, but not where they should be hidden by a ceiling.

Would love to hear what others have had success with.

2011-12-27, 05:35 PM
OK, so I am officially replying to my own post, but I discovered a solution to my problem so I thought I would share:

By overriding the walls to be transparent (checking the box over by "halftone, ghost surfaces, and detail level") in the Visibility/Graphics Overrides dialogue, the ceiling projection lines are allowed to show their full width. I can now leave my view in Hidden Line mode!

So simple I can't believe I overlooked it.....

2011-12-28, 02:19 PM
Hey there,
Great tip! You should post it there!