View Full Version : Select by Wall Height or Graphic Override

2012-01-03, 05:51 PM
The issue: We receive models on just about all our jobs from architects, and most of them have walls that are specified as full height by a plan view graphic override shading in certain walls, but whether or not the walls actually go up to structure in the model is spotty at best. I need to be able to correct this, or have architects correct this in a "quicker than manual" way if possible.

So far I know what I can't do. Wall heights (constraints or offsets) are not listed within a wall schedule. I cannot filter a selection by those parameters either. Selecting by height would mainly be for quicker viewing to see if they are correct and add to the group. I found that I can connect it to ODBC and under levels is the top constraint and then filter the walls based on the top constraint ID I need, grab all the wall IDs, and paste them in select by ID in Revit, but this doesn't lend a hand to quickly viewing them. I know I could also filter the selection in Navisworks to view them, but I'm looking to be able to modify this set. Anything easier?

The other side of the coin is being able to select by the overrode filter. I don't see any of that information within the database. So far it looks like setting up a yes/no parameter for full height and picking the graphically overrode walls manually and checking the parameter on to be able to grab them as a group and set their height at one time is the only option I'm coming up with.

2012-01-03, 11:02 PM
This can be achieved using Revit API. You are correct that Revit doesn't allow to use wall height parameter but it does have it calculated internally. Using Revit API you can copy that value to a shared parameter, lets say WALL_HEIGHT_CALC, and use that parameter in schedule.

Please let me know if you need any help with this API tool.