View Full Version : 2012 DWG Import Issue - Strange Graphics

2012-01-05, 05:40 PM
I've never had any trouble in the past importing DWGs into Revit, and prior to upgrading to Revit 2012 x64 from 2011 I had no issues with this file either. I'm working on a pedestrian bridge in Revit that needs to connect to a garage that was drawn in ACAD Arch, and nothing I've tried allows this file to be imported or linked without losing almost all of the data and turning the linework that comes through into garbage.

So far I've tried:
- saving and exporting to earlier DWG and DXF releases (back to 2000 format)
- exploding EVERYTHING in ACAD
- changing the PROXYGRAPHICS to 1 instead of 0.

I'm not familiar with ACAD Architecture so I'm hoping there's just a command that I need to run allow me to import this and other plans properly. I have been able to xref this file into a new clean DWG file and trace over what I want to bring into Revit, but that's an incredible amount of work for communicating between two Autodesk products.

Any help is appreciated.


- Alex

2012-01-06, 02:02 PM
I submitted a support request from Autodesk, and they quickly responded with the following solution:

1. Go to a 3d view.
2. zoom extents to see the geometry.
3. Type Convertto3DSolids at the command line.
4. Select everything to convert it.
5. Select everything again.
6. Enter WBlock in the command line.
7. Save the file.
8. Open a Generic Model Revit family.
9. Import the .dwg.
10. Load the family into your Revit project.

As far as I can tell everything came in to Revit properly.

- Alex