View Full Version : Can't Rotate Family in Elevation

Existing Conditions
2012-01-09, 04:08 PM
I have imported a DWG into a revit family to create the geometry as this is all I need. When I save the family and insert it into the project it will not rotate vertically. It rotates in plan view fine, but will not rotate in elevation or along the vertical in 3D. I have attached the revit family. Any ideas what I need to do to make it rotate?

2012-01-09, 08:06 PM
I think it is imported on the Ref. Level plan, so when you import it into your project, it "attaches" to a level. Therefore, it will only rotate along an axis perpendicular to that level.

It rotates in the family, though. Could you rotate it before you import it to your project or are you using it in a number of orientations?

Existing Conditions
2012-01-10, 01:16 PM
It will be used in a number of orientations in the project.

2012-01-10, 03:05 PM
Instead of loading the dwg directly into the family A which gets loaded into your project, load it into another family B then nest that family A into. Once you have family A build the way you need it, delete family B. Keeps a lot of crud from ACAD from coming into your Revit content.

You might also want to check the properties of the family to make sure that 'Always Vertical' is not checked.

Hope this helps,
Jeff S

2012-02-23, 12:15 AM
I'm having the same problem, and have been concentrating on finding a solution for months.

My particular challenge has been to tilt an object up from horizontal (in elevation view). The object is a simple box extrusion with l, w, and height parametric dimensions.

I've tried all of the tricks I've read about (here and elsewhere). I've tried creating the box with all of the generic template types, and even in other templates, then loading it into a face-based generic template onto a reference LINE that flexes properly. Can't get the nested family to load onto the line (in spite of choosing "Load onto ref plane").

I've come close a number of times, but certain operations (flexing angle to 90/0 degrees) kills it. I've seen many other families posted that purport to solve this problem, but they all have the same problem. I have a usable model, but can't believe the trouble I'm having making a re-createable template that works every time reliably.

Rotating in azimuth - no problem. Rotating in elevation - a true mystery!

Attached is a simple version of the file. In this case, I've created the extrusion directly on the reference line, parameterized with l,w,h, and angle. Ref line flexes fine before putting on the extrusion. Can even get it to rotate with an extrusion if I don't parameterize l,w, and h.

Can anyone out there:
1. fix it so it works
2. Tel me the method you used for accomplishing the task?

I keep waking up every day thinking :"This is simple! It can't be that hard to do" , and "All I need to do today is come up with a step by step method to tilt and object up!"

:lol::lol::lol: ( the sound of the Revit Gods laughing at me).

Thanks from now to eternity if you can answer this one!!

2012-02-23, 05:20 PM
Note: I posted this response under the Family Editor discussion group as well. This is the same text:

A possible breakthrough?

This morning the roof blew off my barn, and the boot sector of the hard disk on my Linux pc got hosed, but ... I don't care! because:

As I was reloading Ubuntu, I took out my new "Mastering Revit" book, and was reading about Family Editor again. I saw the passage reading "... reference lines are great for controlling angular and directional relationships" (vs ref planes).

I already knew that I had to use a ref line for the angular control. I hadn't yet thought to try and build the actual extrusion around ref lines, though. With this idea in mind, along with Samuel's advice to dimension the angular reference line, I decided to also create the extrusion around reference lines instead of the reference planes that I had been using to control dimensions. I created the angular ref line and the "box" ref lines, and then created the extrusion around the ref lines. I then created instance parameters for l/d/h, and voila! (see attached).

I just finshed this a few minutes ago, and so have my fingers crossed that I haven't missed something.

One note: I still get errors when I go to 90 degrees, but that's relatively minor (suggestions on that one, Dmitri?).

Guess I better get out there and start to collect pieces of the roof:cry:

2014-12-19, 01:45 PM
Rotating generic model in elevation is a pain.
I've nested few families with reference lines and rotation works until I enter 180°. After that, angle dimension escapes somewhere and after that I can't get to work with angles it worked before (45° and so)... ("Constrains not satisfied"!!!!)
I needed a generic family (extrusion) that can rotate to any angle (around some point). Meaning, entering angles -32, 180, 45, 15 or -568854 should not be a problem.

Good news is, I've found a WAY TO DO THIS. I will post it here so it can help someone else.

My solution:
1) I've created Detail Item family which will hold my profile geometry (I've also added some parameters, width, height, and so on)
2) In that Detail item, I've added Reference LINE and lock one end of it to intersection of reference planes in Detail Item
3) I've created Generic Model family and load detail item in one of elevation views. I will use that Detail item to lock extrusion boundaries to it. After inserting Detail Item to elevation view, lock it's center point (end of it's reference line) to intersection of Generic family reference planes.
4) In generic model family, (in elevation view where Detail Item is placed) I've added Reference LINE and lock it's end to intersecion of reference planes. It is tilted for 45° from horizontal reference plane. This will be "run away" reference line. What it means is that angle of detail item will be measured from "run away" reference line. "Run away" reference line must run away from angles such as those muliples of 45°, so next parameters are needed:
Angle (angle)
Ref_angle (angle)
Final_angle (angle)
Is_it_45multiple (yes/no)

Parameter "Is_it_45multiple" checks our Angle parameter value and tries to divide it by 45.
Since Revit doesn't have modulo operator, next trick will be used:
Is_it_45multiple = ROUNDOWN( Angle / 45° ) = ROUNDUP( Angle / 45° )
What it does is very simple, it divides the Angle by 45 and round it up and down. If both of those rounded numbers are same, Angle is divisible by 45°, and in such case "Run away" reference Line must run away to another angle, for example 5°.

Formulaes for other parameters are:
Ref_angle = IF(Is_it_45multiple, 5°, 45°)
Final_angle = Angle + Ref_angle

5) In the end, "Run away" reference LINE angle must be parametrized with "Ref_angle" parameter, and Detail item reference Line (not easy to find, pressing tab few times should do the trick) angle must be measured from "Run away" reference line and have "Final_angle" parameter assigned.
6) FINALLY: Create new extrusion and lock it's profile boundaries to detail Items lines.

Changing "Angle" parameter to any value should propery rotate the object.

Tested. It works.

Mirko Jurcevic