View Full Version : need a "how-to" for Annotative Text
2012-01-10, 02:05 PM
Hello all....
can someone point me to some kind of tutorial for Annotative Text? I'venever used it before and i'd like to get it right.
thanks in advance
2012-01-10, 06:44 PM
I suggesst that you utilize the C3D object labels, they will take care of making sure that the text is the correct size for your drawing scale.
Otherwise you are going to be editing text that would upate automatically should the drawing scale change.
Create ones text style assign font and height as one normally would
Create MTEXT object using that style
Once the Annotative MText object is created, electing it, and then Rt-Clicking will expose a menu to Add, Remove or syncronized the various annotative scales, and positions of the text object(s)
Although honestly as this is posted under survey, you are not going to be happy using annotative text objects;
as you should be using line and curve labels, etc to label your survey data.
We find Annotative MText, MLeaders, and Dimensions to be preferential in a number of situations. I keep hoping Autodesk will create a sort of "SuperLabel" that will combine the best of both worlds, but in the meantime, we use a combination of C3D Labels and Annotative elements. They each have their place.
Here's more details on the rationale:
Not exactly a tutorial on how to use Annotative elements, but more an analysis of the reasons to use one (C3D Label or Annotative element) over the other.
2012-02-06, 05:50 PM
The above referenced article confirms to me that Civil 3D Labels should be used for Civl 3D objects.
and Mtext and Leaders should be placed in paperspace and then scale annotative or otherwise is a non-issue. As in most instances these objects are not labels, they are most often merely notes and should be created as notes in paperspace because they do not control the model they annotate it.
We NEVER put Annotative MText/MLeader/Dimensions in Paperspace.
I know this can get into a religious sort of discussion, so I'll just state what we find works best for us.
2012-02-08, 09:17 PM
We NEVER put Annotative MText/MLeader/Dimensions in Paperspace.
I know this can get into a religious sort of discussion, so I'll just state what we find works best for us.
the truth is one can NOT place annotative text in paperspace. Well technically one can place txt using an annotative style, just that it doesn't function the same as if it were in modelspace.
I'm using the term annotates; as in the notes do not come from nor dimensionally control the model in any way.
Maybe the key is "Associative" vs. "Annotative"... I know some people like using the "Associative" functionality in paperspace, as opposed to putting annotation in modelspace. That can work for some. But we find that, at least in most of our work, that we get better results by placing all annotation in modelspace. This can lead to some "fancy dancing", especially when C3D Parcels (and the Object Layers, and the bugs in C3D 2011 and later) are involved, but we've managed to find the Narrow Road where we can make things work, even though it requires navigating multiple bugs in C3D.....
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