View Full Version : object fade amount while in place modeling

2012-01-11, 05:04 PM
I have checkied as many places as i can think of and cannot find where you can change the amount of fading of background objects when you are creating an in place family. It seems that when you first click on in place model the background fades somewhat, but still visible. But then when you click on Extrusion or one of the other options the bacground fades out even more and it beclomes very difficult to see the opbects that you are trying to line things up with in the in place model. Is there a way to change (lessen) the amount of fading when doing in place models? My eyes are not what they used to be and I am also forced to use older CRT monitors at ew job until they replace them with LCD

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-01-12, 06:58 AM
My first advice is to avoid the in place families ;)
If you can't, you can adjust the density of the halftone from the Manage tab. Note that this is a global setting and will affect any view that has an underlay.