View Full Version : 2012 Phasing-Starting New Project from Old Model

2012-01-12, 02:56 PM
I'm not really sure what to search for...so I'll make a new post and see if anyone knows a good solution.

We completed a large renovation and construction project of convention center, the work is all complete now. There are 3 different files, each with multiple phases in them (phase 1, phase 2, etc.). The project was started in Revit 2008, during our 'learning' phase and it is a bit of a bear to work with...

We now have additional work on the project, and would like to simplify the file by getting rid of demolished work.

Any suggestions on best practices for this?

This is what we've tried - Linking it into a new project, and binding it (fail-brought in demo'd stuff as new, unless I missed something with phase mapping)


(I think I'm thinking of something like Microsoft word would be nice... "accept all changes"...)

2012-01-12, 06:36 PM
We are starting to run into the same thing and a group of us "super" users hashed out a routine that might help you, or at least point you in a good direction. This process was designed for when we first start our tenant improvement model and want to use an existing Revit file:
a. Do a Save As of the existing project into your new project's folder
b. Edit this new file to remove everything not related to the model (sheets, drafting views, legend, etc..)
c. Create a new phase, "Tenant Improvement"
d. Create a new workset, "Tenant Improvement"
e. Move all the model components in the area you'll be working on into that workset
f. Start a new project, from the template
g. Adjust and create levels to match existing project
h. Copy/paste all elements from the other model's "Tenant Improvement" workset into your model aligned to same place
i. Link in the existing model and specify worksets to not bring in "Shared Levels and Grids" and "Tenant Improvement"
j. Use Phase Mapping to make "Tenant Improvement" phase equal to the new project's "New Construction" phase
k. Proceed with demolition as needed in the new project

For closing out the new model we're using this procedure:
a. Open the existing model and delete the "Tenant Improvement" workset (delete all elements on workset when prompted)
b. Merge the phases "Tenant Improvement" and "New Construction" so that you only have one phase, "Existing"
c. Create a new phase "New Construction"
d. Copy all elements from the "New Construction" phase of the new model and paste them into the existing project aligned to same place
e. Go to a 3D view and set phase filter to "Show Demo" and delete all elements.

Technically, we haven't tested it on a large project, yet, but it did work on small tests we did.

2012-01-12, 07:16 PM
Thanks! I had thought about the copy paste method...and got nervous. More than anything, we just want a clear process moving forward. So this is a step in the right direction...

If anyone else out there has any other ways..keep us posted.