View Full Version : Copy the family into another level

2012-01-14, 08:10 AM
Hi all,

I want to copy/paste a group or only a family into another level. When i use "paste align the same place" command , it gives this alert " There are identical instances in the same place. This will result in double counting in schedules. You can tab-select one of the overlapping elements to exclude it from the group instance".
It doesn't paste the families like beds, sofas, cabinets,tv. to the new level. i think it's about the family's hosts. Is there any solution?


Dimitri Harvalias
2012-01-14, 08:21 AM
Welcome to the forums.
You want to copy/paste aligned to selected levels. When you paste 'same place' it will do just that, place another instance in exactly the same location even if you are a view of another level.

2012-01-14, 08:58 AM
Hi Dimitri,
Thank you very much.

I use that command but it doesn't paste all of the instances.
Cabinets, beds and sofas are floor hosted, when i try to paste them individually into another level it pastes to the same level and the same place then it gives that alert.
I haven't solved it yet.

2012-01-14, 05:11 PM
At the end i copied my rooms to down level. But for some objects still remains their positions.
When you click the those family instances it shows their level pasted one but still on wrong level. ie. sofas,chairs... if their offset parameters are active you can alter their offset value to negative/positive then they go desired level . if offset parameter is not editable you must go to desired level and place them again.
I think that's a bug.

2012-02-08, 09:18 PM
At the end i copied my rooms to down level. But for some objects still remains their positions.
When you click the those family instances it shows their level pasted one but still on wrong level. ie. sofas,chairs... if their offset parameters are active you can alter their offset value to negative/positive then they go desired level . if offset parameter is not editable you must go to desired level and place them again.
I think that's a bug.

Did you manage to solve this, im having similair problems in Structure.

2012-02-08, 11:05 PM
If there are hosted elements within the group, there sometimes are issues with the pasted groups 'missing' some of their set. It may be that the location you are pasting to lacks the category of host needed for those missing elements (if furniture is 'floor based', and you have no floor elements at that target level).

Try pasting your groups, and for the groups that have missing elements, select the group and see if a "include all excluded" tool appears in the contextural toolbar... this has resolved the issue for me many times. Or, if the furniture are actually 2D families (to keep the model size down), they may be detail groups associated to your model groups, and you may need to apply them after.

Hope that helps,