View Full Version : changing wall type units from inches to mm

2012-01-15, 12:53 PM
Hi there guys urgently need your help ive changed my units from inches to mm but when i select walls then basic walls then i want to select a generic wall the units are in inches i want them in mm how do you change that thank you

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-01-15, 04:52 PM
The units used in the assembly editor dialogues is derived from the project units. Changing the project unit swill only change the unit of measurement used it will not change the dimension values or the name of the assembly.
e.g. Wall type 2x4 studs @ 16" o.c. with batt insulation won't change to 38x89 @ 400 o.c. and the layers in the wall will be hard converted into mm.
You'll either need to rename your walls and re-enter the thicknesses or you can maintain an imperial and metric wall library.