View Full Version : Material scaling

2012-01-17, 07:09 PM
Hey everyone,
I'm building a house and we want to use a brick style coursing, but with huge size stones, 40 x 24 and I tried to apply a cmu material, scaled up in photoshop, but it still doesn't look correct, nor is it the right scale. It appears that Revit has a default window of how much material should be shown, or I just don't get it? Any help would be appreciated! I am using Revit 2012 on Windows 7 professional, 64-bit, 16 gbs of ram.


2012-01-17, 08:33 PM
From your comment about Photoshop, I assume you mean that you are trying to get the stone pattern to render. Not a hatch pattern. Is that correct? You can scale the texture image in Revit so the stones look bigger in the material editor.

Manage > Materials > choose your material > Render Appearance, click on the image to open the texture editor. Open the Transforms > Scale and edit the Sample Size.

Give that a try or if that isn't what you mean, a little more information...

2012-01-17, 10:54 PM
Brilliant my man . . . haven't done rendering in Revit. I basically made the mistake of trying to modify the material under the wall properties, etc. and it wasn't working. Thanks!
