View Full Version : Lock view to specific elements?

2012-01-18, 07:35 PM
I am building a model wherein I would like to display certain elements only on certain views and have that view ignore any new elements added of the same type/phae/material/etc. as the model progresses.

An example: I have a view configured that displays only the walls of an existing building. If I add walls from an additional existing building I have to go back to this view and hide those elements to return the view to only showing the existing walls of the 1st building.

Any idea how to lock this or other views similarly so that newly added elements of the same type/phase/material do not have to be manually hidden?

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-01-18, 08:19 PM
You have a number of options.
You can use phases.
If the project is workshare enabled you can place each group of elements on a different Workset.
You can create a parameter, assign it to the appropriate categories and then use a filter to control visibility.
All of these options will allow you to save settings as part of a view template so they can be applied to various views.

2012-01-18, 08:46 PM
Okay, I think I'm following this response.

Worksets seem to be a bit heavy handed for my purposes although I can see their utility in this regard. I'm the only person adding elements to the model and there's enough in there to make assigning elements to worksets pretty cumbersome.

However, filters look promising. I have already duplicated the material type for each element and given them unique names. I did this both for the purposes of easily selecting all of one system by using "Select All Instances" and to easily identify systems by mousing over the elements. So, I should be able to filter by this parameter to achieve my goal.

Dimitri Harvalias
2012-01-18, 09:20 PM
Good idea, bad news. Material is one of the properties you can't filter by. :cry:
You'll need to add another parameter or use a different OOTB one.

2012-01-18, 09:49 PM
The parameter I am successfully using and was incorrectly calling Material is actually called Type Name.