View Full Version : Gambrel roofs

2005-01-24, 07:08 AM
I'm doing a prelim with a barn style "gambrel" roof. What's the best way to do this if you've done those before?

Thanks, first gambrel ever for me :)

2005-01-24, 07:29 AM
I can make the roof with no problem via roof by extrusion, however, I also want to add dormers, but it won't let me edit it to cut holes in the roof I just created. So if anyone can help me/give me pointers on how to cut holes in a roof created by extrusion, please help me...

Thank you!

2005-01-24, 08:39 AM
Places toi dans une vue d'étage au dessus du toit
sélectionnes le
et utilise le bouton "Cut plan profile"
MAintenant t upeux modifier le profil pour y faire une ouverture

Go to on a floor plan to the top of the roof
select it
and uses the button "plane Cut profile"
Now you can modify the profile to make an opening there

Scott D Davis
2005-01-24, 04:29 PM
Even better, use the Opening tool on the Modelling Tab, select "Pick a roof to be cut by a dormer opening."

2005-01-24, 07:44 PM
Go to on a floor plan to the top of the roof
select it
and uses the button "plane Cut profile"
Now you can modify the profile to make an opening there

I tried this method first, and it seems that I can make the void this way, but the opening takes out (it seems) a space (in plan view) from left to right, but the void goes an infinate z axis. I didn't want to cut out above a certain height. It seems it just goes up in the sky forever and I had no control over that. (Are there more controls to only let it cut to a certain elevation height?)

So I did what Scott said (I've never had to use the opening tool yet) and it worked like a charm. Thanks for the input guys, and thanks for the tip Scott, you saved me last night on IM.

Now I just hope they like the style of the garage/bonus room being a gambrel. I think it looks sweet and gives a huge bonus room that a regular style of roof could not have done.

...always learning something new in Revit :) ...

2005-01-25, 08:36 AM

C'est une bonne chose que tu aies pu mieux profiter de ta nuit.:wink:
Juste une chose, je n'ai pas pu traduire Gambrel.
peux tu me faire une petite image ?

It is a good thing which you could better benefit from your night. :wink:
Just a thing, I could not translate Gambrel.
can you post me a small picture ?

2005-01-25, 10:19 PM
FYI I only speak two languages: English and foul. :)

Here is a gambrel roof example: