View Full Version : Editing Parts List

2012-01-31, 08:31 PM
We are using Inventor 2010. We would like to change our parts list to shw the Items as lower case letters instead of numbers. Is there a way of doing that globally or in a setup? We can manually change the items one a time, but that is not the best way when you have 100 to 200 parts in the Parts List.

Pierre Marcotte
2012-03-29, 12:11 PM
What part of the BOM do you want to translate ? The Item number ? The description ? The quantity ? The length ? Please give more information.

Right off the bat, what you could look into is using another field of the iProperties and fill that in using letters. You could then populate the BOM with whichever field you need.

2012-04-10, 02:45 PM
You can also create custom iproperties, and pull them into a BOM and Parts List.