View Full Version : 2012 Curtain Panel by Pattern "Overhang and Cropped"?

2012-02-01, 07:40 PM
I have created a curtain panel by pattern and loaded it into a mass family and applied it to a divided surface. As per attached image, the border panels are set to "partial". The panel instance "Component Extents" are set to "overhang and cropped" (which is what I want, I don't want "Fit to Tile", which is the only other option available), but how do adjust the amount of overhang? (I want the panel cropped with 0 overhang at some edges (cut exactly to the edge of the surface), or with only the panel thickness overhang at other edges (to get a clean square corner with the adjoing perpendicular wall)

I have found no mention of this feature in the help...or even mention anywhere that this is how the "partial" panels would get cut....

2012-02-01, 09:23 PM
You might have to rebuild the family as an Adaptive Component and place each one manually to get the sort of control you're after. The CM tools are, in my view, designed more for SD/DD than they are for CD's.

2012-02-01, 11:20 PM
Thanks Greg.

That doesn't seem right. It doesn't make sense. (Please, please, please someone tell me it isn't so, not another "WTF were they thinking" half-baked feature....)

How does REVIT choose the size of the overhang? If I can't adjust it, then what is the default? I could understand if there was no way of having the panel extend past the edge of the surface, but not the other way around, where the panel overhangs by some arbitrary uncontrollable amount. Since Autodesk have provided the capability to have panels extend past the edge of the surface, there must be a way to change the setting...

While I'm at it. Is there a way of flipping/rotating individual panels. Unlike conventional curtain wall, there doesn't seem to be the capability of adding/substracting segments of curtain grids, and when individual panels are selected, the "flip workplane","rotate, "flip hand" and "flipfacing" items from the right-click menu are ghosted....

2012-02-02, 01:25 PM
I don't know if this would work--I'd haven't tried it yet--but could you add an instance parameter to your pattern-based panel that allowed you to adjust the overhang? Then when you tab-select each edge panel, you could set the overhang you want. Then it would still be part of the pattern, but you'd have control over each individual panel. Probably too easy and therefore it won't work... but perhaps worth a try.

2012-02-02, 05:52 PM
Thanks Damon.

If I could do that I'd be very pleased, but there IS no overhang parameter: that's my problem...

If the panel was set to "Fit to Tile", then I could create a panel where selected edges overhang the tile boundary, but then I'm back to having to select and modify individual panels again (because the overhanging edge will be different depending on the tile location), which is what I'm trying to avoid having to do. At least its a solution, even thought it isn't ideal.

2012-02-02, 06:57 PM
Isn't that the crux of the problem? You said it yourself, "the overhanging edge will be different depending on the tile location". How would Revit know which edges you wanted to overhang without selecting it?

So, if you add your own instance parameter to your panel family, you can set the whole thing to "Fit to Tile", then select all the panels along whichever edge(s) you want and adjust their overhang.