View Full Version : Two Buildings with the same floorplan but different foundations - best methods

2012-02-06, 04:38 PM
We have two projects that are utilizing the same floorplan. However, the foundations will be different for each building. What would be the best method to work on this and not have to duplicate work? I was thinking that we create one central file for each of them, and then link in another file that contains the elements common to both. Any tips would be greatly appreciated. Thank you

2012-02-06, 04:47 PM
Are they on the same site? If the two buildings are on the same site, then I'd say just two files--one building file and one site file. If they are at different sites, then what you propose sounds good.

How many team members will there be? The reason I ask is that you may not need to use worksets if it is a small team since you'll have multiple files. I only ask because you said "one central file for each" implying you were going to make them workset-enabled.

2012-02-07, 11:37 AM
Use Design Options. It is a powerful tool within Revit. Get to know it if you don't.
