View Full Version : Filling out schedules across linked files.

2012-02-07, 09:19 PM
We are working with another architect, but are responsible for all finish schedules. Any suggestions on how to get finish information into our schedule without causing the other firm to halt and share their model so that we can enter it directly into their model?

2012-02-08, 02:33 PM
This is a common issue in our office when we work with another architect who is doing the interior build-out and we are responsible for the core/shell of the building. The room finish schedule in the host model can read the rooms and room info from the linked model, however, you cannot directly manipulate that information from the schedule, because when linking models, the information flow is not bi-directional.

We usually approach it this way:

select the linked model and edit its type properties to make it "Room Bounding"
once the linked model is set to "Room Bounding", you can place rooms in the host model that are bound by the limits of the linked model. (Note: you will need to make sure the room names and numbers match the linked model as to avoid any confusion).
go to your schedule and un-tick the "Include elements in linked files"
you should now only see the rooms you have placed in the host model, which you can now freely manipulate.

I am sure others have different approaches, but this one has served us well.

2012-05-31, 10:06 PM
the "room bounding" setting of linked models in quite helpful for linked skins. thanks!

2012-06-01, 02:44 PM
Note to save a little time, you can open the other model in the same session of revit and copy paste all the rooms and room tags, you'll get errors, but then when you reload the model they will find the walls and you will not have to retype everything, just come up with a good QA QC to make sure the rooms match, IE a schedule showing both models rooms, so you can see if names or numbers change.

2012-06-01, 03:23 PM
You could use an API program to export room data from both models, do data manipulation in Excel, then reload back into your model. Ideate BIM Link & CTC's Revit Excel Link are capable programs for this.