View Full Version : 2012 Demolition Ceiling Plans

2012-02-09, 01:04 AM
Need to prepare a demolition ceiling plan and have a problem with this. The grid lines are applied as a pattern and typically the grid lines are applied as patterns. If I dont hide the patterns as part of the demolition phase then each wall will need to have the patterns individually hidden. How do I acomplish this?

Tom Armbruster\
A+E Group

2012-02-09, 02:44 PM
Sounds like an easy question, but not sure I am following your question. Could you please break it down more. I think you may want to do filters, but need more info.

Or I am just dumb :?

2012-02-09, 03:17 PM
Created a phase existing as-built which inlcude an existing reflected ceiling plan. UHave a demolition ceiling plan under new construction phase showing previous + demo. When I demolish the ceiling grid all that is left is the outline of the grid all the grid lines disappear. I need to create a demo ceiling plan that shows the ceiling grid to be removed. I want to say to do it with filters too but am unsure how.

2012-02-09, 03:50 PM
Here is a link where someone shows how to do what you want.



2012-02-10, 07:13 PM
Unfortunately there is no way to make ceiling grid lines (a model pattern) display those lines as dashed or otherwise overridden in any way when demolished. There are "demo" ceiling model patterns out there that contain dashed model line pattern for 2x4 or 2x2 lay-in ceilings, but the drawback there is that those same ceilings show the same dashed lines even on views where they're supposed to show as existing to remain.

I ran into this on a 2-phase construction project where I had a ceiling plan for phase 1 where the phase 2 existing ceiling needed to remain, and didn't get demolished until phase 2. As I recall I think I had to actually hide the ceiling pattern in one of the views and *shudder* use detail lines to show it how I needed to, differently from the actual pattern applied to that ceiling.

Not sure if that's what you're asking, but those are my experiences with demolition RCP's.

2012-02-11, 04:26 PM
We have discovered that, in this case, Revit is not "what you see is what you get". Even though the pattern in the view on your monitor doesn't show as being demolished, IT WILL WHEN PRINTED. Give it a try.

Not sure why this works the way it does, or even worse, why the factory can't tell us in documentation what to expect.


2012-02-13, 08:14 PM
Doesn't work like that for our printers. We have existing items to show with gray projection lines, gray cut lines, and solid gray fill cut patterns. A demo LAT ceiling has the grid showing as thin, black, solid lines. The projection line out at the edge of the ceiling will show as dashed, if the ceiling edge line is visible. Most times the ceiling is bounded on all sides by walls, which makes the dashed projection lines around the edges of the ceiling invisible, with only the solid, thin, black lines of the ceiling surface pattern showing.

2012-02-14, 04:34 AM
I did some testing, and you are correct for Revit 2012. I actually hadn't had a project in 2012 yet that has any demo ceiling work - all those are still in 2011.

Attached are two PDF prints - one from Revit 2011, and one from the same file upgraded to 2012. The 2011 file behaves just as I described, and the 2012 file is as you described. Same PDF printer driver, etc. The factory "fixed" something......

2012-05-24, 07:25 PM
Here is a link where someone shows how to do what you want.



This method is a lot of setup. Plus, if you have a project where you show the ceiling being installed as new work, and then show some of it demolished in a later phase, you can't use this method because the dashed pattern appears in all views.

And, of course, the linework tool does not work on surface hatch lines.

We have been using a fill pattern: diagonal, transparent, pen 8, white. Voila, instant dashing of anything under it. Not at all BIM, I know, and it's only in the view you place it in, but when you have to have it ...