View Full Version : Models losing properties

2012-02-09, 10:46 AM
Please can anybody help me, cars i imported from lower versions of Revit into 2010 all lose their body colours though the glass (windscreen and windows) remain. ive tried all i can to no avail. help please

cliff collins
2012-02-09, 03:48 PM
The Materials in Revit have changed drastically since then--using Mental Ray Protein 2 materials.

You will need to upgrade each family, and assign material parameters, then load into the project
and assign new Materials.


2012-02-09, 04:36 PM
Those cars were set with accurender materials, you'll need to as the previos poster noted open the car and under the imported categories, you will see that the material is assigned per layer. Once you've reassigned all the materials, please upload the cars to us so we don't have to do it too:)