View Full Version : Cross Section Grade Labels

2012-02-09, 07:21 PM
I'm trying to set up my cross section label styles. I want to label the grade of the pavement surface and the sidewalk. What i'm getting is a grade label for all the top surface links including gutter, face of curb, and top of curb. I'm using the stock subassemblies. My code set style is set up to label the "Top" link.

1. Is there a way to label the top link for certain subassemblies (LaneSuperelevationAOR) and not for others (UrbanCurbGutterGeneral)?

I tried writing an expression:
IF((ABS({Link Length})>2),{Link Grade},No Label)
where, if the length of the link is greater than 2 feet, it labels the grade, otherwise it doesn't.
The expression works except I can't figure out how to get "No Label". That particular argument only seems to accept a numeric value (i.e. if I change the value of the argument to 5, the short links are labeled 5).

2. Does anyone know a way to get around that problem (a null value, blank label, text string with a space, etc.)?

3. Or, is there's an easier way to label grades only where I want, namely pavement surface and sidewalk?

Thank you

2012-02-09, 07:35 PM
I'm trying to set up my cross section label styles. I want to label the grade of the pavement surface and the sidewalk. What i'm getting is a grade label for all the top surface links including gutter, face of curb, and top of curb. I'm using the stock subassemblies. My code set style is set up to label the "Top" link.

1. Is there a way to label the top link for certain subassemblies (LaneSuperelevationAOR) and not for others (UrbanCurbGutterGeneral)?

I tried writing an expression:
IF((ABS({Link Length})>2),{Link Grade},No Label)
where, if the length of the link is greater than 2 feet, it labels the grade, otherwise it doesn't.
The expression works except I can't figure out how to get "No Label". That particular argument only seems to accept a numeric value (i.e. if I change the value of the argument to 5, the short links are labeled 5).

2. Does anyone know a way to get around that problem (a null value, blank label, text string with a space, etc.)?

3. Or, is there's an easier way to label grades only where I want, namely pavement surface and sidewalk?

Thank you

STOP Labeling the TOP Link. Study the Sub Assemblies, and you will see that there are other Link Codes that the assembly applies like Pavement, Top of Sidewalk, and Datum.
Study the bottom of the page in the help file for each of your sub assemblies; the Point, Link, and Shape Code diagram is very useful.

Only assign a Lable style to the Link type you want a Label to appear on.

One can also use a Geneic Link that will 'shadow' another Link within a sub assembly and assign user defined codes to that link.

See the tutorial listed here: http://forums.augi.com/showthread.php?t=136629

2012-02-10, 12:17 AM
Thanks Michael, It worked.
I appreciate your expertise. You always save me alot of time and frustration with this program.