View Full Version : Cut geometry and cut patterns

2012-02-14, 08:31 AM
Hi all, I've faced a rather weird issue. Maybe someone experienced this or knows how to solve it.

I'm making a bridge dek, made up from precast concrete beams. I then added a "compression slab" which in real life would be concrete poured in place into the volumes between and on top of the precast beams.

For practice I tried to add the slab and in the project tried to cut out the beams volume from the slab, using cut geometry tool. After some issues with Revit not knowing exactly how to cut out the beams I now had that working.

The weird thing is the beams have a precast concrete material, and the slab has a cast in place concrete material. Both materials have different surface and cut patterns.

After cutting out the beams from the slab, the slab takes over the CUT PATTERN of the precast concrete while it STILL has the cast in place concrete material assigned to it. The SURFACE PATTERN of the slab stays displayed correctly as a cast in place concrete material.

So as soon as I make a section or cut the slab displays the wrong cut pattern. When I uncut geometry the cut pattern switches back to the correct cast in place concrete cut pattern. The only way I can work around the problem is, for each view for where the slab is cut override the graphics for the slab and change the cut pattern to the specific pattern instead of "by material". This doesn't sound right to me and I wonder if i'm doing something wrong.

Anyone can help me out with this?

2015-08-05, 02:46 PM
Hi there,

I just found your issue with cutting precast beams from the slab. I have a same problem did you find a solution for this?
I would appreciate any answer.
Than kyou

2015-08-10, 12:13 PM
I think the answer lies in the fact that slabs cut everything. I believe in 2016 they added a option to select what is going to cut what as a rule. ie slabs always cut beams, Columns always cut slab.... something like that, but I'm not 100% sure on that as I haven't played with it yet.