View Full Version : 2012 Room boundary issue

2012-02-14, 11:44 AM
Dear all,

Since a week I'm having some unexplainable room boundary issues. Basically, existing rooms will sometimes refuse to adapt to changing boundary conditions (walls, room sep. lines, e.d.).
If I change the position of a wall (or delete it), the existing room will refuse to adapt to the new situation. Moving it outside the room doesn't help. The only sollution is to delete it and place it again via the "rooms in the project"-list.
This started happening in 1 project, but has occurred now in several projects. At first I found it annoying, but if it keeps happening it's almost making working impossible.
As none of my colleagues are having this issue, I assume it has something to do with my PC. This is however not logical as we're all working on Cytrix virtualized "pc's" on a single blade server.

I can provide some screengrabs if neccesary (email), I haven't found an easy way to add them to this question though (= putting them online so I can link them inside here)

I hope someone had the same experience and has solved this.

Thanks in advance

2012-02-14, 05:07 PM
Are these existing rooms that relate to existing conditions? Be aware that rooms exist in one phase only, so existing rooms have to be re-placed on your New Construction views.

Are you saying that an existing room on an existing phase does not update if an existing wall position is adjusted?

One thing to consider is that demolition views, which are set to New Construction and Show Previous + Demo, will display New Construction room objects. So if you're moving an existing demolished wall in a demo view, then those rooms will not update because they're following the wall boundaries of what's existing to remain or new construction.

2012-02-14, 05:28 PM
I'm not using design options, phasing or worksharing in the file that's having these issues. I'm just shuffeling rooms (preliminary design). The walls are placed correctly (current to above level, no offsets), floors and roofs are also correctly placed...
Just to rule out everything, the issue also occurs in files with 7 phases and multiple design options and worksets. Though also in that case I carefully work within the correct phase for the view in the right workset and designoption.

At a certain moment, deleting the room from the view and placing it again didn't help anymore. It would just pick the room boundary of the room where I deleted it for the last time. I then rebooted revit. That helped :?:)

So the issue seems to be resolved when I save the file, exit revit, launch revit and open the file again. Though after a few hours the issue occurs again with the same or other rooms. This works for small files, but not when saving takes 10 minutes.

I'm generally the revit problem solver within our office (100 persons)... but this is puzzeling me. Almost seems like a strange memory issue?

2012-09-10, 03:10 PM
We're having the same problem in our office, did you ever find a solution to this?

2012-10-20, 02:15 PM
I was having the same issues. I found a couple of things that resolved my room boundary problems:

I looked in section view and found errant room separation lines, also, because I have offset floors room heights overlapped. Another odd thing that was taking a corner out of my room boundary was the adjacent wall below was attached to the roof, I detached the wall and created another wall on top and attached that one to the roof and now the room boundary is right, so attached roofs on the story below could be a bug.