View Full Version : Room Bounding & Edit Wall Profile

2012-02-14, 07:28 PM
I have a 3 story building with floor to floor heights of 12.5' The peak of the roof is at 50' and slopes down to 25 on both ends. The shell walls are tilt up concrete and run trhough the building so at times they act as internal walls as well as the shell. They are set to 60' high and we have edited the profile of the shell walls to follow the slope with a 4' parapet. The ends and the bottom remain as is.

Once those profiles were edited, rooms PASS THROUGH the shell wall!! The walls are all set to "bound room". The room heights are all 8' . To make matters worse, this is random. It does NOT occur on the first and 2nd floor but does occur on the 3rd floor. There are no openings in the wall either. When I "resaet profile", the rooms are all bound correctly. When I edit the profile again - they pass through the wall.

I have found 1 or 2 posts regarding this issue back in 2005. I would think that Autodesk has resolved something as simple as this. If I put room seperation lines down - then I get warnings of walls and rs lines overlapping. I have noticed that if I make the edit higher up (which we dont want) it still contains the room. Once I get below a certan threshold, it craps out. The rooms are bound by the walls at al times so this is perplexing. Any ideas? Thanks!!

2012-02-14, 08:22 PM
Be sure the tops of your edited walls are above your 3rd floor level in all areas.

Is this happening only on the walls that extend 4' above the roof? Or is it on walls that come up to the underside of the roof?

2012-02-14, 09:28 PM
Thanks Patrick. I did check that. The shaped walls are about 810' in length. I did play with making usre it was above 3rd floor level, cut plane (4'), and the room height (8'). The odd thing is that the end on the left is 6" above the 3rd floor and when the end on the right was at 4' it was fine. Once the I moved the top down to 3' it screwed up. I also lowered the cut plane but it still allowed rooms to pass through. I didnt think the cut plane would have an effect as it is view specific. Even stranger is that the end closer to the problem is 6" above the floor - far less than 3'!!

The walls do not attach to the underside of the roof, they rise up the sides of it. I also tried to attch the partition walls to the underside as u can seee in section but still have the problem.

I thought it may have relation to the floor - but you can also see that it occurs on the first floor in an entire other area. The ends of these walls go no lower than 16' - FAR more than 3' above the first floor line.

I'm thinking that I may have to split the wall into parts. Though I am now on a mission and want to know why and how to make it work correctly. This seems to make 2 basic revit abilities - room bounding and wall profile useless when used jointly. Let me know. Thanks!!!

LP Design
2012-02-21, 08:06 PM
Try attaching your walls to the roof instead of editing their profile. If that fails, I suggest you go ahead and split your walls into smaller segments. It's annoying, but I've had to do exactly that in the past and it wasn't actually that bad to work with.

hope this helps,