View Full Version : section heads different colours

2012-02-14, 09:36 PM
I am not sure when or why this has changed but why does a section head appear blue on one end and black on the other. My secton marks use the "Section Head Fliled" for both the head and tail, but one is blue and one is black. I would prefer both to be blue,but I can see no way to change it. Any suggestions?

2012-02-15, 04:59 PM
The Head and the Tail are separate families, which you and find under annotations. Right click on either and edit. What you have are filled regions, there you can change the colors to your liking. Good luck.

2012-02-15, 05:12 PM
The blue objects are links, you can double click them to go to that view. On building sections, only one of the heads is a link. They should all print black, regardless of the link.

2013-03-31, 04:24 PM
Had the same thing happen to me. I thought it might be related to the fact that I changed the text in the section head. (Maybe it is, maybe it isn't) Also, I like Building Sections to have the circles with arrows at both ends, so I changed the type so that I wouldn't have to cycle through the tail every time. All this lead me to believe that I must have messed something up.

Then, for kicks I decided to see what would happen if I simply cycled through the tail ends and voila, the black section head turned back to blue. Problem solved. Oddly however, I had to cycle through the symbol in each view that showed the section symbol (ie: Elevations & Sections) ... go figure.