View Full Version : 2012 Using existing Door Marks in Revit

BIM Branch
2012-02-20, 06:55 PM
Ok I have searched the forums for an answer and I am not seeing an answer to my particular question. Here is what I am trying or would like to do:


I have an existing door in a project that has been tagged (i.e. Door Mark "3"). I am going to be required to demolish this door and frame where it is shown. On an opposite wall in the New Construction Phase I want to show a new door and frame with the same door number.

I cannot change the door number without getting the Related Warnings indication.

Not sure if this can be done - but surely I am not the only person that has encountered this issue.

Dean Camlin
2012-02-20, 07:19 PM
Why not label the existing door "3E" & label the new one "3N"? You can filter out existing doors from the schedule if you want. In the comments field of the door schedule, note that the existing door is to be salvaged & reused in the new location.

LP Design
2012-03-01, 08:00 PM
I agree, use a different number, but if for whatever reason you are required to keep them the same I would just ignore the error. If you have it phased correctly your plans and schedules shouldn't have any issues.